
CAN YOU HELP? Please donate today

For the people we support, Christmas can be a time of extreme hardship.  We see families without enough food, elderly suffering isolation and many without safe or secure shelter. Please help us provide vital support this Christmas.

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Community Spotlight on Anona Le Page (Nonnie)

Anona Le Page (Nonnie) is the Welfare and Domestic Violence Worker at Community Northern Beaches (CNB) . Nonnie has occupied this role for 6 years, and works closely with external and internal services to provide help and support for individuals whom have experienced domestic and family violence.

“On one extreme I receive phone calls from women feeling they are in an unhappy marriage, but are unsure if their situation is identified as domestic violence to the other extreme – receiving a call from a women at Woolworths borrowing someone’s phone, who needed to be picked up as she had fled the house in her bathrobe.’”

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Community Northern Beaches Annual General Meeting 2018

On Friday 12 October 2019, Community Northern Beaches held their 2018 Annual General Meeting. A warm and friendly atmosphere prevailed as those who care about the organisation came together to cover official business, thank some of the organisations and people who have supported them during the past year and elect the Management Committee for the year ahead.

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The Sisterhood with Tracey Spicer – Sell Out Event for Local Charities!

Thank you to The Real Tracey Spicer and The Sisterhood for an amazing night. It was a sell out event with over 300 locals experiencing the wit and wisdom of Tracey Spicer who generously donated her time to help local charities. $12,000 was raised on the evening to be evenly distributed between Community Northern Beaches , Northern Beaches Women’s Shelter, Dalwood Spilstead and Bringa Women’s and Children’s Refuge.

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Community Spotlight Lorraine Barnes

Lorraine is one of the first volunteers to sign up to the Community Northern Beaches ESL Conversation Project. Earlier this year, it became apparent that although many new Tibetan migrants have completed courses and are now qualified for work, they may not be taken on by employers due to their lack of English skills. Thus, the ESL Conversation programme was born.

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Community Spotlight on John Kelly

As manager of the Northern Beaches’ largest community hub, John’s role is a diverse one including responsibility for the strategic and everyday management of the centre. Starting the day before the centre’s doors open allows time to focus on admin so that when the doors are open, his focus is on people. In John’s words “people come before paper”. He chose to join the not-for-profit sector as he finds working in smaller, under resourced environments forces him to think outside the box, act with agility and a strength of purpose.

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