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Imagine a future where a safety net is no longer needed in our community...

Since 1977, Community Northern Beaches has served vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the Northern Beaches. The organisation offers vital drop-in and targeted support, addressing homelessness, domestic violence, and refugee settlement challenges through inclusive and trauma-informed assistance. Our early intervention programs empower families, young people, and children, fostering resilience and future well-being. We also provide people with material aid and connect them to other services via our Community Hubs.

Our mission is to build connections, strengthen the community and foster future well-being by providing accessible support that is responsive to the community's needs.

Multicultural Service 2

Multicultural Services

We are dedicated to supporting and empowering humanitarian entrants, refugees, and other permanent migrants, along with their communities, in achieving successful integration and inclusion into Australian society


Domestic Violence Support

We provide initial assessment and safety planning, material aid, advocacy and referrals for people affected by domestic and family violence in the Northern Beaches

KMart Vouchers for Rough Sleepers

Homeless Outreach

We support people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness on the Northern Beaches directly and connect them to additional services to assist in resolving their accommodation crisis

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Family, Child & Youth Services

We deliver programs under the NSW Government’s Targeted Earlier Intervention initiative, supporting people early on to make the biggest difference and enabling them to live a safe, stable, and happy life.

Community Drop-in and Cafe Bar at Community Northern Beaches

Community Drop-in

Our cornerstone service and safety net for vulnerable community members. We have an open-door policy and pride ourselves on seeking to understand the challenges people are facing to connect them to targeted support

Volunteer Appreciation Event


Volunteers are vital to the delivery of our Community Drop-In and Multicultural Services, generously contributing their skills and experiences

April Holidays: 17-Day Everest Basecamp Trek Charity Challenge

Join James Griffin MP Manly on the adventure challenge of a lifetime, 12-28 April 2024, going from Kathmandu to the bucket list-worthy Everest Base Camp.  It’s an all-inclusive trip, and there will be some exciting co-trekkers looking to take on a challenge for charity.  Whether you challenge yourself to fundraise, or participate in the adventure and fundraise, it’s up to you.

Click ‘Learn More’ below or see our What’s On page.



Occasions of visitors receiving support at our Brookvale and Manly drop-in locations


Unique visitors received more intensive support (interim or full case management)


Children and young people participated in Targeted Earlier Intervention Programs


Volunteers supporting clients, running the drop-ins and delivering programs