Community Northern Beaches thanks their volunteers at Festive Lunch

Last Thursday, Community Northern Beaches said thank you to its amazing team of volunteers.

Volunteering is all about giving and when we give, we receive so much in return. Yesterday Community Northern Beaches said thank you to its amazing team of volunteers, many of whom have been with the centre over 10 years. Recognition was given to the ladies who greet our clients with a smile each day and make the world a little better for everyone who walks through our doors.

Thanks was given to the Committee members who for years have shared their knowledge and experience with the management and staff. Praise was given to all the volunteers who help with social media, marketing, office support, homework clubs, playgroups, coordinating the food bank each week and the many other programs that we coordinate.

We acknowledged the huge amount of change that we have experienced over the past year and agreed that this has been a challenge for some but it is very exciting as we work towards the future. We watched long-term Volunteer Representative Marian Pilone hand over the baton to Chrissie King who has now joined the Management Committee and is a wonderful link to what is happening at the grass roots of the centre.

We welcomed James Griffin MP, Member for Manly who has been a supporter for quite some time and we were pleased to announce that Mr Griffin has agreed to act as Patron for Community Northern Beaches.

The atmosphere during the lunch was one of warmth and gratitude and although the staff and volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds, experiences and skill sets, we all agreed that we have one thing in common, that is the desire to improve another person’s life.

Thank you to our amazing team of Volunteers; we would not be able to offer the services we do without your continued support.

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